"Charity is commendable, everyone should be charitable. But Justice aims to create a social order in which, if individuals choose not to be charitable, people still don't go hungry, unschooled or sick without care. Charity depends on the vicissitudes of whim and personal wealth, justice depends on commitment instead of circumstance.
Faith-based charity provides crumbs from the table; faith-based justice offers a place at the table"
~Bill Moyers

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear Teddy, Until I see you again, I pledge to continue the fight for True Health Reform

There is not much else that I can say, he left us knowing that his dream for health Care reform for all, has not become a reality... Yet.

I pledge to continue this fight until it is won, or until I die.

I strongly suggest to those of us who will be demonstrating on Labor Day, September 7 at Noon in front of the Federal Building in San Francisco, to the hopefully millions who will be marching nationwide on September 13 for true Health Coverage for All and to the ones who make it to the Washington Mall, we dedicate our efforts to Senator Edward Kennedy, not only repeating his words, but living them.



I, Aurora Grajeda from San Francisco California USA (AKA Tranny and CihuaMexica), pledge to continue the fight he fought for so long until it is a reality... Or till the moment I die!

Senator Ted Kennedy Speaks at Alaska Democratic Convention in 1968
A proud Liberal then - A proud Liberal all of his life -- A Liberal to his death
Always fighting for equality, for justice and Dignity for All

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy speaks to the Alaska Democratic Party Convention in Sitka on April 7, 1968, shortly after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Senator Kennedy was standing in for his brother, Robert, who'd been scheduled to speak. Courtesy the Alaska State Library Historical Collections. The original material is a 1 open reel video tape in an unusual format, labeled only Ted Kennedy Sitka.

The tape was transferred to an accessible tape format by a contractor specializing in media conservation. When we watched the video for the first time, we were quite surprised, says Damon Stuebner, Media Specialist for the Alaska State Digital Archives program.

For being a 40-year-old video tape, it is in near perfect condition.

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