I felt both privileged and not surprised at the respect and deference our young ones exhibited for their elders, at 61, I was so gratified to see that the Torch of Freedom in this gargantuan struggle, was not passed on to the next generation of Activists / Leaders, rather, it was claimed and taken by our children so that "La Lucha" For our Gente ontinues.
The picture above-left says it all - The Youth are not the Future, they are the Present, indeed they are - Amen!

500 years of Chicano History in Pictures (1976) -- The Youngest Revolution: A Personal Report on Cuba (1969) -- Letters from Mississippi (1964) -- Table of Contents from El Grito del Norte (1966-1972) -- Martinez, Elizabeth "Betita" What is White Supremacy? (1998) -- Martinez, Elizabeth "Betita" A view from New Mexico: recollections of the movimiento left Monthly Review (2002) -- Martinez, Elizabeth "Betita" Raza Protest A Day of Lies and Hate, (1998)
Listen to Betita's comments:

Currently, she works with immigrant parents at La Voz Latina,an organization she founded several years ago within the Tenderloin Housing Clinic to give parent empowerment workshops, support parent engagement at school sites and work on parent-led community campaigns
Listen to Bobbi's comments:

RENEE SAUCEDO is an attorney and organizer with La Raza Centro Legal and the San Francisco Day Labor Program who believes that --We must continue to fight for legalization as the solution, not guest-worker programs. Temporary-worker programs are inherently exploitative, and they weaken the labor and workers' rights movements. They only benefit the bosses who want a constant source of cheap, exploitable labor.
Instead, we should support immigration proposals that strengthen family unification, protect workers' rights and make residency easy to obtain.
Listen to Renee's comments:
"ICE PROTEST in San Francisco on Halloween 2008" At IndyMedia by - Kevin Barnard from http://barnardgraphics.com
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