"Charity is commendable, everyone should be charitable. But Justice aims to create a social order in which, if individuals choose not to be charitable, people still don't go hungry, unschooled or sick without care. Charity depends on the vicissitudes of whim and personal wealth, justice depends on commitment instead of circumstance.
Faith-based charity provides crumbs from the table; faith-based justice offers a place at the table"
~Bill Moyers

Sunday, February 22, 2009

V-DAY SF'09: "LOS MONÓLOGOS DE LA VAGINA" - Until the Violence Stops / Hasta que La Violencia Pare

(Spanish & English notice, English below)


Tickets: $25.00 - $45.00 -- Flyer / Volante

March 8, 2009 - Teatro Brava, "Brava! Para Mujeres en las Artes" -
2781 24th St. (24th @ York) - Dos Presentationes: 2 p.m. & 6 p.m.

March 8, 2009 - Brava Theater, "Brava! For Women in the Arts" -
2781 24th St. (24th @ York) - Two Presentations: 2 p.m. & 6 p.m


Únete a este esfuerzo totalmente Comunitario asistiendo a esta Obra Teatral que cuenta con un elenco de 36 mujeres, todas ellas Activistas de la Comunidad, unidas por el afán común de despertar la conciencia al problema de la violencia doméstica y para recabar fondos en beneficio de tod@s aquell@s que necesiten ayuda para romper el círculo de la violencia familiar - todos los ingresos, excepto la renta del Teatro, van a ser donados a "La Casa de Las Madres" En SF y "Casa amiga" En Ciudad Juárez, México, dos organizaciones que proveen lo necesario para salir de un círculo de violencia en el que se puedan encontrar. (Casa de Las Madres en SF HELP CRISIS LINE 1.877.503.1850)

Si por cualquier motivo no pueden asistir, hay otras maneras de Colaborar / Contribuir:

1. Haciendo una Donación, que puede ser deducida de sus impuestos, pueden mandar cheque ó money order a nombre de "La Casa de Las Madres" (Memo:V-DAY SF09) @ 730 South 11th St. S.J. CA 95112 - Tax ID 94-2330864
2. Comprando voleto/s para regalar a un familiar, amigo/a - Pasando la voz é instando a otras personas que se aúnen al MOVIMIENTO V-DAY, no nadamás en el 2009, pero "HASTA QUE LA VIOLENCIA PARE" - Hay todavía mucho por hacer y un largo camino que recorrer.
Join this totally Community effort byattending this Theater Play with a cast of 36 women, all of them Community
Activists united with the common eagerness of raising the awareness to the domestic violence problem and to raise funds in benefit of all of those who need help to break the family violence cycle - all of the funds raised, except rental of the theater, will be donated to "La Casa de Las Madres" In SF and "Casa Amiga" In Ciudad
Juarez, Chihuahua - Mexico, two organization who provide what's needed to get out from a cycle of violence that anyone may face. (Casa de Las Madres en SF HELP CRISIS LINE 1.877.503.1850)

If for some reason you can not assist, there are other ways to Collaborate / Contribute.

1. By making a Tax-Deductible Donation, by sending a check or money order to "La Casa de Las Madres" (Memo:V-DAY SF09) @ 730 South 11th St. S.J. CA 95112 - Tax ID 94-2330864
2. Buying [a] ticket/s and give to family members or friends - By passing the word and asking other people
to join the V-DAY MOVEMENT, not only for 2009, but "UNTIL THE VIOLENCE STOPS"

There is still a lot of work to do and a long road to travel.

My best wishes for you all.


SFCA 022209


Lupe Bautista (408) 768-5490; Teresa
Pedrizco (408) 807-5955

V-Day San Francisco 2009


Tickets/Boletos: Until The Violence Stops: Teresa (408) 807-5955
Tickets/Boletos: Los Monólogos de la Vagina: Brava Theater Center (415) 641-7657 or ww.brava.org

Feel free to inquire about sponsorship and volunteer opportunities

Help is available to callers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hotline
advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to
provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to
agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance
is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages
through interpreter services. If you or someone you know is frightened about
something in your relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence
Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.

Learn More About The Hotline
| Get Help

Urban Affairs & New Nontraditional

Toda clase de informacion sobre este

This site contains a
list of English titles with links to Spanish text publications.

"Charity is
commendable; everyone should be charitable. But justice aims to create a
social order in which, if individuals choose not to be charitable, people
still don’t go hungry, unschooled or sick without care. Charity depends on the
vicissitudes of whim and personal wealth; justice depends on commitment
instead of circumstance. Faith-based charity provides crumbs from the table;
faith-based justice offers a place at the table." -- Bill Moyers

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"The Administrator" AKA Aurora

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